About Us

Embracing Humanistic Philosophy
More About Us

Society of Humanistic Judaism

Congregation Beth Adam is affiliated with the Society of Humanistic Judaism. Beth Adam provides a home for families in the South Florida area for Holiday celebrations including, Shabbat, High Holiday Services, Hanukkah, and Passover Seder. Beth Adam celebrates life cycle events for baby naming, B’Mitzvah, weddings and funerals/memorials.

We focus on self-empowerment with pride in our Jewish heritage, culture and traditions and respect for all people.

Jewish heritage, culture and traditions and respect for all people. We have two Shabbat celebrations; an In-Home Shabbat Discussion and a Community Shabbat and also an Eat and Schmooze Social Activity. In addition, Social Action is an important component of Beth Adam. We participate in a variety of programs.


Humanistic Jews affirm that

  • Judaism is the historic culture of the Jewish people.
  • Jewish history is a human saga, a testament to the significance of human power and human responsibility.
  • Ethics and morality should serve human needs.
  • We possess the power and responsibility to shape our own lives.
  • The freedom and dignity of the Jewish people must go hand in hand with the freedom and dignity of every human being.

Our Ceremonial Leader

B.J. Saul

BJ Saul is a founding member of Congregation Beth Adam. She completed the Leadership program from the International Institute for Secular Humanistic Judaism (IISHJ) earning the title of Leader/Madrikh(a)/Vegvayzer, a Jewish professional who serves as a community guide, ceremonial officiant, philosophic counselor, educator, and movement spokesperson. She is certified by the IISHJ as a recognized leader in the movement with all the rights and responsibilities of clergy.

BJ Saul, Madrikha leads Congregation Beth Adam’s services. She creates and updates liturgy and assists in planning congregational programming. She is available to officiate life cycle events including baby naming, weddings/unions, Bar and Bat Mitzvahs, and funeral/memorial services.


“Tikkun Olam”

To fix or repair the world

Social Action, Tikkun Olam, “fix or repair the world” is an important value for Humanistic Judaism. One must take care of others as well as care for the environment. Members at Congregation Beth Adam participate in social action events including recognizing the impact of climate change, supporting the LBGTQ+ community, standing with National Gun Violence Awareness, and joining ADL’s Walk Against Hate and fighting antisemitism.

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